Why we only make small batches

Why we only make small batches

There is a huge problem with fast throw-away fashion in the world. To briefly put it into numbers:

85% of all textiles go to dump each year, that's enough to fill Sydney Harbour annually.

The equivalent of one garbage truck full of clothes is burned or dumped in a landfill every second.

The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of humanity's carbon emissions. That's more emissions than all international flights and maritime shipping combined.

In the UK, wedding guests spend an average of £79.76 on a new outfit – nearly 10m of which are expected to only be worn only once.

A study of a thousand people by Oxfam estimates that each week 11 million garments end up in the landfill.

We know that making more clothes isn’t going to fix the problem, but the bottom line is that people will always need clothes and there will always be a demand so why not change the way we manufacture and shop? An approach that is less focused around mass production and frivolous purchasing can certainly help. 

The long-and-short of our decision to only manufacture in small batches is to avoid creating masses of items and surplus stock which in turn ends-up being burnt or in landfill like many mass market retailer’s products. Yes, something that’s hand-made by someone, often taking hours, which is then bought as a ‘throw-away’ item is destined to end up in landfill or a fire pit after one or two wears - it just doesn’t add up. 

We believe that crafting small batches of jackets to a high standard, using the best quality cloths, that can one day be mended, repaired and re-proofed will reduce the need to over purchase and over manufacture. We believe in buying less and wearing more often. And we believe in only buying something that you really love, and passing it on once you’ve worn and loved it. 

Here's some articles that further explain the problem

The fashion industry emits more carbon than international flights and maritime shipping combined. Here are the biggest ways it impacts the planet. - Business Insider

Fast fashion: Britons to buy 50m 'throwaway outfits' this summer - The Guardian

Fashion has a waste problem. These companies want to fix it - Vogue Business


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